Install Microsoft Fonts In Linux Mint
var q InstallMicrosoftFontsInLinuxMintMint 1. 8. 2 Still the best Linux desktop. Ive been using Linux Mint for years now as my main desktop. And, every year that goes by, it keeps improving. With Linux Mint 1. Once more, Mints Cinnamon interface with its classic windows, icons, menus, pointers WIMP interface is simple and easy to use even if youve never touched Linux in your life. Cinnamon 3. 4. 3s look and feel has a crisp, clean appearance with easy to read fonts and colors that you can easily adjust to your hearts content. While the new Cinnamon interface looks and works the same, under the hood it has many speed improvements. These include splitting the settings daemon and the Nemo file manager into multiple processes. In addition, the Cinnamon Java. Script Interpreter CJS has been re based on a newer version of GJS, Gnomes Java. Script binding, for improved performance and memory usage. The result is a faster, more stable, and easier to debug desktop. Want an easy to use, secure desktopThen you want Linux Mint 1. Behind Cinnamon, the Mint team has also switched to the Light Display Manager Light. DM. This is a cross desktop display manager. It supports the most important Linux display technologies X Window, Mir, and Wayland. Besides making the desktop launch faster, it also supports remote, guest sessions. The Mint and Cinnamon crew have also been improving Cinnamons spices integration with the desktop. These are the interfaces themes, applets, and extensions. Last but not least, for the desktop, Cinnamon now supports a grid. This makes organizing the onscreen icons much simpler. Mints update manager has also been improved. Mints update manager ranks patches on a 1 to 5 scale. Most updates come in at level 2. Application updates that do not impact the operating system are level 1. Toolkits and desktop environments or libraries which affect multiple applications are level 3. Kernels and sensitive system updates are level 4. Level 4 updates are usual kernel related and tend to be optional. Level 5 is extremely rare and not often used. Its dedicated to flagging dangerous or broken updates. This version of Mint is a long term support version. Its based on Ubuntu 1. As for the operating system itself, Mint ships with Linux firmware 1. Linux kernel. If you want to, you can upgrade it to the 4. Linux kernel. Theres little reason to do this unless you want to run cutting edge Linux. For applications, Mint is sticking with its usual suspects. These include Libre. Office 5. 1. 6. 2 for the office suite Firefox 5. Thunderbird 5. 2. GIMP 2. 8. 1. 6 for graphics editing. You can, of course, add your pick of programs. For example, Im using Libre. Office 5. 4, Chrome 6. Check out these tips and tricks for Linux Mint 13 to 15 MATE Edition, step by step, easy to understand and follow. 2. Get old wallpapers. Every release of Linux Mint comes with a new set of nice wallpapers. But you can also install wallpapers from the previous versions. Welcome to Our Community. While Linux. org has been around for a while, we recently changed management and had to purge most of the content including users. Evolution 3. 1. 8. Like all modern Linux distributions, adding new software is simply a matter of click and run. Mint 1. 8. 2 ran like a champ on my work desktop. This is an older Dell XPS 8. It has a 3. 4. GHz quad core Intel Core i. GBs of RAM, and an AMDATI Radeon HD 5. The new Mint also ran well on my vintage 2. Lenovo Think. Pad T5. This notebook computer comes with a 2. GHz Intel Core i. GBs of RAM, a 5. 00. GB hard drive, and an integrated Intel HD Graphics 3. In short, Mint will run well on pretty much any x. It will run better on newer computers, but you dont need speed to enjoy running it. Like all desktop Linux distributions, Linux is far more secure than Windows. True, Linux has its security problems, but Microsoft claims Windows 1. Just months after Wanna. Crypt hit, Microsoft patched 4. There are thousand of Linux Distro available on the internet. This article helps you to choose the best Linux distro for Laptop. Hi Im new to Linux and computers in general, but Im determined to be a Linux Admin. Ive only played with OSuSE and Mint. Regarding CLI manager, I. Linux Information Portal YoLinux. com includes informative tutorials and links to many Linux sites. Covers Linux topics from desktop to servers and from developers to. Windows vulnerabilities the majority of which were the highest critical rating. Windows security is an oxymoron. If you want a top notch desktop thats also secure, try Linux Mint. You can be up and running with Mint in under 1. Want to try it first You can do that too with Mint on a live USB.